How to Excel after ‘Breakfast’
Relationship breakups, popularly called 'breakfast', are usually debilitating. Not only do they invade your thoughts and interfere with your routine, they often interfere with your desire to function. Every aspect of your life is thrown off balance, especially the academic aspect and nobody wants that. So here are ways to keep up with school while eating 'breakfast'
First, study using the Pomodoro technique. 'It is okay to acknowledge and grief the loss of your relationship', says, Susie Novak, Ph.D., a Psychological Counselor at SUNY New Paltz. What is, however, not okay is allowing your sorrow consume your interest for studying. Although you have tried reading, the meaning is just not registering. In this case, the Pomodoro technique is the salve to this ache; as it allows you divide your reading into short intervals with break in-between. Stick strictly to reading during its periods, and during your leisure time, you can decide to rehash past memories or plan the future. This way, you can strike a balance!
Second, think of outdoing the idiot that dumped you. This might appears childish or irrational, but it helps trigger your reading interests. Instead of oozing with self-pityand self-condemnation, convert this emotional turmoil into anger, and chase your studies with revenge in mind: outdoing the idiot that dumped you! After all, Novak says some people are a lot more successful outside relationships. Be confident, focus on your goals, look ahead and don't spend too much time crying over spilt milk. Most important don't forget you are a SPEC! Third, boost your studying morale by bringing your family into focus. If after you have tried the Pomodoro technique and the 'outdoing' technique, you still cannot concentrate while studying or the drive to study is absent; try imagining the disappointed faces of your parents if you fail. Also, picture the beam on your parents face when you excel. The choice is yours!
Finally, revisiting your initial reason for education is a brilliant way to strengthen your resolve towards studying. The sudden separation from the one you're smitten with might tousle your focus a bit, but reviewing your goals and visions can reinforce your academic prowess. In all, remember that in all things moderation, with the exception of studies. You can win this!
Miskilu Aminat Olaitan