The ‘twinkle of an eye recipe' for students— noodles saga
Noodles, fried with potato, and spiked with vegetable dressing— spring onions and carrots, and served with chilled hollandia yoghurt, turned out to be everything I wanted on a Monday morning rush to class: vibrant and spicy, with just enough ethereal zing to jolt my day awake. It is exactly like the pizzazz feeling I get when listening to 'finally home' by Alex Roe in forever my girl movie.
Early morning lectures on empty stomache has always tasted bland until I stumbled upon the 'twinkle of an eye recipe': noodles Saga, and it has become just the salve I crave for my hunger pang. Fish out the dirty pans and plate beneath your bed and scrub them; as this mouth-watering noodle ride on potato wheels promises to be cook-tempting. Enough for 2
Noodles(indomie or any other) 2*120g Spring onions 2 straws
Cherry Pepper 2 pieces
Potato Onions Carrot
Garlic Groundnut oil
2 ovals 1 bulb 1 stick
1 piece(optional) 1 clove(optional)
2tbs plus a little extra
First, peel the potato and toss directly in water to prevent blackening. Scrape the carrot stick, then peel the onion bulb; rinse altogether with the spring onions. Then finely chop the potato, carrot, onions and spring onions into medium dice. Set it aside, and make sure to not join the potatoes with the other recipe.
Peel and finely crush the pepper, garlic and ginger with a grater
This is the sizzling part, get ready to take your senses on a whole new journey.
Mass the indomie and choped potato in a sizzling hot water for 1 minute, then pour in a siever to drain. Separate them afterwards.
Warm 2tbs of groundnut oil in an open but shallow pan over a moderate hit. Add the boiled potatoes and finely chopped vegetables, and stir fry until succulent. Season with the grated mixture along with curry and thyme if needed; then a jot of indomie seasoning and a slight sprinkle of salt.
After 2 to 3 minutes of stiring and your nose is prickled and senses spiked with the wafting aroma, toss the parboiled indomie in; add the indomie seasoning left, and allow it marinate. Let it simmer a tad, then voila! your meal is ready. Well, it is not a gimmick; it is real. Sink in and down with chilled yoghurt. Bonne appetit!
So, do not noodle around with complex dishes; go for noodles. It is not only a doodle to make but takes no time to cook, and most importantly, it is healthy.
Miskilu Aminat Olaitan