Eating well would fall behind in the list of priorities during these exam period. It would have you reaching for the fastest ‘food' which are most times junk. When studying for exams, there is the tendency to stay up late, and forget to eat and drink because of stress and the amount of time given to studying. But bad eating habits before and during exams will leave you with less energy both mentally and physical. Eating well energies your system, improves your alertness, it sustains you through long hours of reading, study and preparation and even when writing the exam. It is vital for improved concentration.
To manage your exams, you will need to eat well. This doesn’t not mean a lot, but foods that are reasonably healthy. Planning your food or feeding or eating ahead would help. As much as it is important to eat well, you have to pay attention to your body, your health. You know your body better than any one, don’t eat food that would purge you or affect you in any way, food that would make you feel uncomfortable in the exam hall or during the exam and would automatically cut short the time in the exam hall. Know when to eat what, don’t eat food that would make you blotted or heavy. Don’t neglect your health because of exam Load up on your fruits and veggies, grab a fruit while eating your actual meal or as a snack. For example, bananas are known to make you smarter and help with learning by making one more alert.
Protein are essential too. In whatever food you are eating, make sure it has protein. It could be fish or egg, any thing protein. Protein is important for sustained energy. Eat well and your body would thank you for it. I wish you success!