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Editorial: Resisting Students' Censorship for Press Integrity

The press as the fourth estate of the state,  is saddled with the responsibility of reporting and relaying to the people the activities of the government. The Press within the Campus environ is similarly ladened with such responsibility as after all, the University campus is a microcosm of the outside world. The political activities in a University campus is a subtle reflection of the politics that occur in that country. 

As it follows, the policies, achievements  and shortcomings of both the executive council and the legislative arm is expected to be reported by the press. It should also be kept in mind that publishing an article or news is based solely on the discretion of the Press. As this is where the Independence of the Press comes in. 

In a recent spat between the Level Representative Council (LRC), the former president and some concerned students on the general group for Philosphy Students, the authority and independence of the press was questioned. Some concerned students felt that the press is suppressing the truth and does not have the interest of the students. 
These feelings are valid and such issue in question is undoubtedly important and deserved coverage. However, the failure to report was not due to negligence or bias but rather a technical issue that temporarily impeded the ability of the Press to publish, which has been explained to the President. 

In the past, the Press have tried to keep the integrity and objectiveness as the core value of its operation. Constructive criticism is always welcomed and necessary for improvement,  but the recent attacks crossed the line from constructive feedback to attempts at censorship which the Press firmly resist. 

It acknowledges the concerns, however, it frowns deeply against any form of censorship. 

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