How long do we go on before we speak about our displeasure with the frustrating actions of our so called leaders? Why do we choose not to care as much? Is it a part of our business in this institution not to berate their misleads which can muddle our future? Is this the kind of legacy we urge ourselves to lay down for our progeny, our innocent minded posterities?
Cast a look upon the piteous sights around you, should we simply flow with it all like bits of broken twigs washed down the alley by enraged waters of Poseidon? Our confidence and cheerfulness has been tossed brutally into garbage tanks, and we smile like we have been bashed with joy filled generosity. The truth be told, we all ought to check ourselves before we're wrecked in this ships of complacence. We claim the ''First and Best" , yet, what you call a receptacle of honor and literacy, one of the most exalted in Africa, turns out not to be. Did we sign up for this? From the echoing sounds of failures, the likely immutable and nerve-racking virtual drone flying about the university environs has caused a greater part of us to cringe, too heavy in our hearts, and very salient to be made subtle. Why not ask yourself, "how far and well am I doing this semester"? Many more intriguing questions keeps burning in our hearts like the sun-beaten yard bench, as we try to fathom how fast and erratic changes can be, how unpleasant some decisions imposed on us by lecturers would seem, and how disturbing missing pertinent classes is, due to one or two hindrances that are uncalled for.
Much has been said but more is yet to be presented, as days turns to weeks and weeks into months, time and ride rock and roll, and the very feared continuous assessments and class presentations marches into daylight, "can we really stand the test of time"? Once again, this is a virtual semester, there has been none like it in our history/set, and definitely lacks sufficient order to serve us well. Like the men of old once said, "impossibility is not a fact but an opinion", the little success our institution has made as concerning the virtual learning ought to be very much appreciated. But the journey of the mind not only begin with the foot but the quality and strength of such foot. Do we then have the strong will and quality knowledge of the book to perform well in our studies this time? Enough vain talks about how far we have come but how well have we suckled from the breasts of online classes and how much have we gained so far? Do we claim our minds are as full as the normal physical classes we engaged in before the coming of the Covid? What would we have to say about the ugly truths behind the sparse pages of our notebooks, myriads of unread PDFs we're bombarded with daily, unpresented courses and bad Nigerian network which causes lots of annoying breaks in lecture classes, thereby missing important points that can help our studies in the long run.
This is not what we asked for, but the knife already done its job. They say work very hard and smart. If so, it is high time we worked five times harder and ten times smarter for we are into such an immutable situation right now, a sad one indeed. It is too late to stay backwards at this delicate moment, for we are all guilty of having tasted in the unpleasant products of this semester. Now, it is the moral responsibility of all and sundry to now lead with purpose, guide selflessly and obey the reality principle that states, "deal with the world as it is and not as you wish it were", and success will surely be for one who strives for the better, even in the worst of situations. A word they say is enough for the wise.