Hello amazing people! you’re welcome to another edition on Lifestyle! Also, before we proceed I would like to say a big congratulations to you for making it into another new Month, the month of May! Forget Nigeria’s present state, everything will turn out fine
Okay! Just to bring it to our reminder that on our previous edition we gave a definition of Lifestyle as “your life engagements, your ideals, values or in a more lay man language, ‘the way you do your thing’. We also discussed four lifestyles to be imbibed to have a good life namely; MAKE A TO-DO LIST, SMILE, READ SOMETHING POSITIVE and lastly REWARD YOURSELF.
CHECK YOUR HEAD: Yes, check Your head! This doesn’t mean you should dissect your head oh, lol. What this implies is that you have to take hold and doctor your mental & psychological well being. The challenges the Nigerian students are facing presently is raised to power 2. Firstly, the Nation itself seems to be at a stand still which has ushered in frustration and despair. Secondly, the virtual learning problem is literally sapping the living life out of everyone. Hence, it is pertinent that we take are in control of our mind, when negative thought encroaches, acknowledge it, challenge it, and replace it with positivity! Avoid depression!
EAT WELL: A popular palace in Yoruba land says “okun inu ni a fi n gbe ti ita”. Have I confused the English people?..Lol. Okay, what that means is that “It is the strength within that guarantees your effectiveness without." It is advisable that you practice eating three daily meals and if not three, at least two. Don’t starve yourself for any reason. As you jack(reading voraciously) don’t forget food. An empty stomach could lead to mental breakdown. Balance things up.
TAKE A BREAK:I know that everything is choking. I understand that there’s a whole lot to be done; the notes, the assignments, the work etc. so much so that it often appears as though the time for rest/break is unavailable. But then, out of 'insufficient’ we can still find ‘sufficient’. Endeavor to rest. Don’t focus so much on work at the expense of your health, make sure you take some break. Always remember “health is wealth”.
PHYSICAL EXERCISE: This is important o, and for your information don’t think “exercises are for fat people, and I’m not fat”. The shocker here is you are in need of exercise as much as that woman in your backyard weighing 300pounds! Move your body, especially when you’re feeling tired. Exercise releases endorphins, which makes you happy. Happiness helps makes the most of your day. You don’t have to get vigorous; try a brisk walk or meditative yoga if you’re not into heavy sweating.
And on this note we would be drawing the curtain on today’s Edition of Lifestyle. Join me next week for another interesting and insightful edition. And remember, a life without a lifestyle is “an unexamined life that’s not worth living”. So, get a Lifestyle!