According to WHO facts sheet, approximately 280million people suffer from depression. Other studies have also shown that one of the leading causes of disabilities and severe negative health conditions is depression, which not always but most often lead to suicide.
Having known these grievous outcomes of depression, why would you keep quiet about your problems and sulk unnecessarily? Why limit yourself because you think your problems cannot be solved? Have you explored all your chance and opportunities of getting them solved? Have you forgotten that a problem shared is half solved? And solutions to problems only stop coming when you must have lost the breath of life? Or do you think you can solve all your problems on your own, and resort to fate when solutions are not forthcoming?
Why then the silence?
Yes, silence is golden, but could mar you in this regard.
Wake up, open your mouth and speak to the right people about your problems. Get yourself out of that chain of depression.
Speak up about that academic failure
Speak up about that financial set back
Speak up about that sexual deprivation
Speak up about those marital issues
Bring to the light of scrutiny that case of domestic violence
Scream out into the air about that health condition
Say no when you feel you lack the capacity to fit into social expectations - Don't force
Speak up about that toxic boss-employee relationship
Speak up! Someone could have solutions to your problems.
Do not die in silence. Do not incur avoidable negative health conditions on yourself. Remove yourself from the league of the 280 million people who are depressed today.
There is a very thin line between depression and happiness, and on this thin line hangs firmly "voice" not "silence." So, speak up.