By Aanuoluwatomiwa Oke
Episode 2:
Week 1, Hit the Ground Running.
Week X, Keep Running.
This week involves an intricate trail of thoughts, ideas, and deadlines. Join me on this odyssey, as I navigate a whirlwind week filled with unexpected challenges, assignments, project supervisor appointments and academic responsibilities.
The week had begun with a sense of anticipation. Well, maybe not. I had spent the weekend leisurely reading Heidegger's "Being and Time," preparing for an imaginary seminar discussion. Armed with a bottle of water and my stack of books, I immersed myself in the world of existentialist thought. And again, maybe not. However, wrestling with complex ideas, striving to articulate my thoughts with clarity and precision, I decided to start the week with a visit to my course advisor.
Taking a glance through my transcript, I pointed out the obvious mistakes as I munched on the groundnuts Professor Offor had graciously offered me. He handed over to me a note that had on it the courses I am to register for this session. From 310s to 401s. It wasn't a lot to take in. Or maybe it was. Then and there, it dawned on me: the finals are finally here.
In the last episode, I mentioned that this journey you're following me through is not just mine but my God's. So trust me to have folded that note neatly into my purse as I muttered, "I am helped of God." I had a brief meeting with my project supervisor shortly after. The rest, they say, is history (but in this case, philosophy).
The week didn't end without an unexpected quiz test, assignment, and of course, submission deadline. The week culminates with evenings of personal philosophical debates and researches. I have high hopes of picking a most suitable topic for my long essay. The researches were flowing like a river, touching upon ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of mind and the meaning of life. I had nights that almost lured me into believing I had eventually fallen totally in love with philosophy. Maybe I can confess to having grown fond of philosophy. But in love? Oh, pretty please!
Saturday is usually my day of rest and reflection. I took a break from my academic pursuits to find connection elsewhere and enjoy the simplicity of life. As I strolled through Heritage Park that evening, I inhaled the rain droplets, the beauty of nature, and savoured a moment of serenity. Sunday morning, I knew for a fact that there was only one reason my final year wouldn't be chaotic. The reason? I know a God!