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Ways to Avoid Bed Bug Invasion

By Donald
Bed bugs are no doubt the real definition of one's worst nightmare in insect form. The saying, "prevention is better than cure", is better applied in this case. The last thing you would want is your room being infested by those nocturnal pests, because getting rid of them is harder than the Dy/Dx mathematical summation.

Firstly, how do you identify them?

Bedbug eggs are small, white, and oval-shaped. They can be found in clusters in cracks and crevices. Bedbug faeces are small, black spots that are about the size of a period. They can be found on beddings, furniture, or walls. Bedbugs shed their skin as they grow. Shed skins can be found in cracks and crevices, and they are often translucent or yellowish-brown in color. Bedbug bites are often itchy and red. They can appear in clusters or lines, and they are often found on exposed skin, such as the arms, legs, and neck.

How Do You Prevent Infestation?

Regularly inspect your mattress, headboard, and nearby furniture for signs of bedbugs, such as tiny reddish-brown bugs, molted skins, or tiny black specks (excrement). When staying in hostels, inspect the mattress and room before unpacking. Be careful when buying used furniture and bedding. Inspect them carefully for signs of bed bugs before bringing them into your home. Wash all bedding in hot water (at least 130 degrees) and dry it on high heat.
Seal cracks and crevices around windows, doors, and baseboards. Finally, you can prevent them by using mattress covers and box spring encasements.

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