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Seven Ways to Balance Healthy Diet with Academic 'Shege'

By Sare

Health they say indeed is wealth, but what is good health without a healthy diet? A healthy diet is a selection of food that maintains or improves overall health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macronutrients such as protein, micronutrients such as vitamins, and adequate fibre and food energy. As a student, you deserve a healthy eating diet regardless of your financial capability. You broke no mean say you no go take care of your health. Reduce that garri! 

One of the major factors that contributes significantly, and positively to your academic performance is good health and on this, we all are aware about how important, and essential food is to mankind, and how eating a proper diet can may or mar one's health.
Therefore, as a student, you should start putting into consideration how you go about your daily diet to maintain a good health. Even with all.the academic shege you might be experiencing alongside sapa, there are ways to go about healthy dieting. Here are seven guides to maintaining a healthy body with healthy dieting. 

Don’t Skip Breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you should feed your brain with the fuel to go about the day's work. Regardless of when you wake up, always eat a breakfast rich in fiber and protein. If you’re rushing late to a class, grab a quick piece of fruit or a slice of bread and peanut butter, or a protein smoothie. Na kukuma for Nigeria una dey chop ajeju (too much) before. Wetin concern oyinbo child with 6 slices of bread for breakfast?

Always Have A Water Bottle: Invest in a quality reusable water bottle. You might not realize it, but you could be spending parts of your days dehydrated. You should aim to drink at least 2 to 3 liters a day. Staying hydrated all day every day benefits cardiovascular health, helps muscles, joints, and skin. It also keeps your body cool and prevents dry mouth. Having water with you all the time will help keep you away from sugary drinks as well. In aproko doctor's voice, "drink water!"

Always Have A Snack In Your Bag: It’s okay to keep that bag of chips in your bag, but when it comes to last-minute snacks/meals, make sure you’re buying and making only healthy options and not garri. Keeping a healthy snack on you at all times keeps you from spending the extra money and feeding your unhealthy cravings–two things you’re trying to avoid on campus. 

Be Mindful Of The Caffeine You Consume: While one to two cups of caffeine a day is acceptable, an excessive amount of caffeine every day is very unhealthy. Yeah! Nescafe 3 in 1 tastes very delicious. Lipton and milk is your everyday saving grace and that Nescafe classic, your superman during those nights you have to finish up your assignments. Yes. I know. However, try to limit your number of caffeinated drinks each day, whether it’s soda, coffee, or tea. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel. Instead of reaching for a caffeinated drink, reach for your water bottle.

Have A Planned Grocery Shopping List: Before you head out to the market, make sure you have a grocery list. One Ibadan girl is wondering what a grocery list is. (Bombastic side eye). Your grocery list is a list of all the food items you need to get. Try your best to refrain from buying too many unhealthy, processed snacks. Be sure you’re buying the right food to give your body all the protein and nutrients it needs for the week.

Have A Meal Prep: This can be a great way to help maintain a healthy diet. You don’t have to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner if you don’t want to, but try to prepare at least one meal per day. If you’re usually at class during breakfast and lunch, it might be a better idea to prep dinners for your week. Having easy access to pre-made meals will keep you away from unhealthy fast food, junks, and other temptations.

Resist The Late Night Snack Tradition: Teach yourself to stay away from late-night snacks, like ice cream, biscuits, chips, etc. To Even think some people's late night snack is eba and efo, or fufu or semo. Even if the portion is small, it’s still a bad habit. The urge for late-night snacks is often a result of not eating enough during the day. If you are giving your body enough food throughout the day, you shouldn’t want or need to snack before bed. If you do get the urge to snack some before bed, instead of indulging use it as a reminder to eat better during the day or drink water, like aproko doctor would advice. 

With these healthy eating guides, you should create your own healthy eating manual for the whole of the semester for a healthy, and nutritious eating journey. No gree for anybody, no gree for anything, my sister, my brother no be so for good food o. Na person wey dey in good health dey get energy to no gree for anybody o. 

Stay healthy, Eat healthy! Bye!

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