21 Benefits of Real Foods Over Processed Ones
See Reasons Why You Should Eat Real OrganicFoods
Real foods contain all the wholesomeness you need. They are
usually not processed, which automatically makes them free of chemicals and
unnecessary food additives. Real foods are packed with rich nutrients. In other
words, real foods are naturally grown, harvested and cooked without any form of
industrial or chemical processing. They are foods that were consumed
exclusively by humans for thousands of years, before the advent of food
chemicals and processing.
In the 20th century, when processed foods became too common,
diets that contained many organic and real foods began to tilt towards
processed and ready to eat foods.
Processed foods can be fast and convenient, they can also
come handy and save you a lot of stress, but all these short-term benefits are at
the detriment of your health. Processed foods are capable of harming your
health. In order to maintain a good health and healthy growth and development,
adopting a healthy diet is one of the most important things you should do
Dieticians have identified certain reasons why it is best to
eat natural real foods, instead of processed ones. The following are 21 reasons
you should not give process foods a second thought;
Real foods are packed with essential nutrients
Unprocessed foods give you all the vitamins and minerals you
need for a stable health. These unprocessed foods include both animals and
plant-based foods.
For example, consuming 1 cup of blended red bell pepper,
oranges or broccoli would supply you with 100% of vitamin C RDI. On the other
hand, animal liver and eggs contain choline - a nutrient that is essential for
a healthy brain. On the other hand,
Brazil nut provides you with your daily required intake of selenium.
All whole foods contain vitamins, minerals, as well as other
Low sugar
Excess sugar has a number of side effects in the body and can
expose you to certain health risks. Most processed foods contain a dangerously
high amount of sugar and unhealthy sugar substitutes like saccharine and
aspartame. These sugary processed foods can increase your risks of developing
health issues like insulin resistance, hearty disease and obesity. Studies show
that real unprocessed foods are low in sugar. Though certain natural fruits are
high in sugar, but also contain water and fiber to balance out the equation.
Heart healthy
Real foods contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties
and other nutrients like magnesium and healthy fats that are healthy for the
heart. One of the major triggers of heart diseases is inflammation. Real foods
contain natural properties that can prevent inflammation and safeguard the
Good for the environment
The number of people in the world increases every passing
day, which invariably increases the demand for food. The need to create more
food sources to feed this growing number of people increases.
The need to produce foods for billions of people can affect
the environment, as a result of the destruction of forests to create
agricultural lands and the need for fuel and pesticides take tolls on the
environment. Encouraging sustainable agriculture based on real food can help
improve the health condition of our planet through the reduction of energy
needs and nonbiodegradable wastes that are produced by humans.
High fiber
Some of the health benefits of fiber include; improving the
digestive system and metabolic health. It also brings about the feeling of
fullness. Foods that are high in fiber include; avocados, flaxseeds, chia seeds
and blackberries and legumes.
Getting the required amount of fiber your body needs from
whole foods is much better than getting them from supplements and processed
foods with added fiber.
Blood sugar regulator
According to research, over 400 million people have diabetes
worldwide and is expected to hit and pass 600 million in the next 25 years.
Foods that are particularly high in fiber like unprocessed animal foods and
plant-based foods can help reduce blood sugar levels in people who have high
diabetes risks.
Healthy skin
Real foods help nourish the skin and provides optimum
protection for your skin. Certain real and unprocessed foods like avocados and
dark chocolate help protect the skin against damage. Adding fish, vegetables,
beans and olive oil to your diet would help improve the condition of your skin,
reduce wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity and every other age-related skin
changes. In addition, eating real foods over processed one can help reduce or
prevent acne.
Lowers triglycerides
Unprocessed foods like vegetables, lean meats, fatty fish and
nuts have been discovered to reduce triglycerides. Triglycerides increases in
the body when you consume excess carbs and sugar. Cutting down on unprocessed
foods will reduce your sugar and carbs intake to a healthy level.
Provides varieties
Real foods provide you with varieties of delicious,
nutritious and healthy choices to pick from. Hundreds of varieties of meat,
fish, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains are 100% available in the worlds
and you can get to choose as many as you want of them as your meal.
Cheap and affordable
Most processed foods are expensive compared to natural
unprocessed foods. This is as a result of the cost of producing and processing
them. In addition, processed foods leave you with health issues that make you
spend so much money on your health. But when you eat organic, natural and
unprocessed foods, you will be healthy and barely visit the hospital for health
issues, thereby saving yourself some money.
Provides healthy fat
Unlike trans fats that are packed in vegetable oils and other
processed foods, real foods provide you with healthy fats. For instance, virgin
oil contains monosaturated fats that are heart healthy. In addition, coconut
oil contains healthy fat that encourages fat burn and weight loss.
Omega 3 on the other hand is a healthy fatty acid that helps
combat inflammation and safe guards the heart. Fishes such as cod, salmons,
tuna and sardines are great fish sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Other foods
that contain healthy fats include; whole milk dairy, avocados, seeds and nuts.
Reduces infection risks
Increasing your real food intake can help strengthen your
immune system thereby helping you fight off diseases and infections. Balanced
foods and natural fruits help reduce cancer risks and heart disease risks.
Contains antioxidants
Antioxidants help combat free radicals-molecules that destroy
some cells in the body. Antioxidants can be found in real foods like whole
grains, vegetables, nuts, fruits, seeds and legumes. Also, egg yolks help
prevent eye related illnesses like macular degeneration and cataract.
Prevents over eating
Have you noticed that consuming processed foods increases
your urge to eat more food? And eating more and in excess increases your risks
of being obese and overweight. Unlike processed foods, real and unprocessed
foods do not contain properties that would make you want to over eat.
Reduces sugar cravings
Eating real foods will reduce your cravings for sugary foods
like cookies, candies and cakes. When your body gets used to whole foods, your
sugar craving reduces.
Improves dental health
The sugar content of processed foods can cause decay to the
teeth. A combination of sugar and acids especially in soda is likely to cause
you a tooth decay by feeding the plaque-causing bacteria that live in your
mouth. Staying away from processed foods would help you maintain a proper
dental health. Cheese is known to fight off cavities, it does this by hardening
the enamel of the teeth and increasing the pH level in the mouth.
In addition, green tea according to studies help protect the
enamel. Drinking green tea will drastically reduce the level of erosion that
occurs from drinking soda and vigorously brushing the teeth.
Beneficial for your gut
Eating real food preserves and protect the friendly bacteria
that live in your digestive tract.
Helps you set a good example
Asides improving your own health and maintaining awesome
wellness, eating natural, unprocessed and organic foods would encourage those
around you to adopt the same. Thereby helping them live healthy and quality
lives just like you.
Supports farmers
Buying natural foods from farmers would not only improve your
healthbut would also encourage farmers and make them see profits on their
agricultural produces.
Above all, natural foods are delicious and taste really nice.
They provide natural flavors and beautiful aromas when cooked.
In conclusion, real food is better in everyway than processed
foods as they provide numerous health benefits compared to processed ones that
are filled with chemical additives.
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